
3 Essential Tips on How to Look After a Kitten

So, you’re welcoming your new baby into your home! You’ve finally got the go-ahead to introduce him or her to your household and family. But, what’s the best way to look after a kitten? Despite the fact that cats are autonomous animals, they still need a little guidance. After all, a kitten is essentially a baby. 

Here are 3 essential tips on how to look after a kitten so that they stay happy and healthy as they grow into adulthood. 

Top 3 Tips on How to Look After a Kitten

While looking after a kitten isn’t quite the same responsibility as a newborn baby, they do require more care and attention than a fully grown cat. Here are 5 tips you should consider:

1- Kitten-Proof Your Home

Before you can bring your furry friend home, you need to kitten proof everything. That’s right, everything! What seems like a safe ledge to you may be the perfect height for them to fall off and hurt themselves. Here are some kitten proofing tips:

  • Check for potential hazards
  • Close all doors and windows to the outside
  • Put out a clean tray of litter
  • Place some food and water away from their litter tray
  • Move any house plants away from their reach

To a little kitten, your house may seem like an enormous and intimidating place. If your kitten is scared, start them off in one room and build them up to the rest of the house as they grow in confidence

2- Make the Necessary Introductions Early On

Kitten care is everyone’s responsibility. This means that you should introduce them to your family, flatmates, and any other pets as soon as possible. For children, a new kitten can be very exciting so it’s important that you explain the kitten may be a little nervous when it arrives in order to not overwhelm him or her. 

With pets, the dynamic can be slightly more complex. Typically, older dogs and cats have an easier time adapting to a new animal in their environment, especially a baby. Younger cats and dogs may be threatened by your new arrival so introduce them carefully and supervise there encounters. 

3- Feed Your Kitten Nutritious Food

When learning how to take care of a kitten, think about the basics. What would you do with a child? You would certainly feed them high-quality, nutritious foods, right? Well, a kitten is no exception. They need food that will provide them with the energy they need to grow (and of course, play!). No matter how tempting it may be, avoid feeding your kitten milk as they may experience some stomach upsets

Bonus Tip! Be Playful… All the Time!

A kitten’s life is all about playing and having fun. They are going to need a lot of stimuli and what better way to provide them with this than by playing with them. Buying them toys and entertaining them is your opportunity to create a truly special bond. And, trust us, playing with your kitten will benefit you just as much as it will them!

Are you looking to introduce a new family member to your home? If so, check out Cat People! We provide a safe place for you to find the purrfect pedigree kitten for your household.