Cat General Health

Why Do Cats Purr? 4 Reasons Your Cat May Be Trying to Communicate With You

Understanding your cat’s needs is the key to keeping them happy. Unfortunately, as you well know, cats don’t communicate in the same way as other animals or humans for that matter! From meowing to hissing, growling, and of course, purring, the various noises your cat makes depends on their needs and mood. But, why do cats purr?

Many assume that cats purr because they’re happy but this isn’t always the case. Let’s take a closer look.

How Do Cats Purr?

Before we get to the why, how do cats purr? Where does this gentle vibration come from? There have been dozens of theories surrounding purring cats, however, it is now believed that this sound comes from the intrinsic laryngeal muscles. These muscles open and close the space between the vocal cords, leading them to separate, thus causing this purring sound. 

Why Do Cats Purr? Here Are 4 Reasons!

Now you know how cats make this incredible sound, let’s have a look at why do cats purr. Here are 4 reasons

1- They’re Happy

That’s right, your cat could just be telling you that they’re really happy to see you. Have you noticed them purring at your front door when you get back from work? Maybe your cat purrs when you’re sat on the sofa having a cuddle. In these instances, your cat is just showing you that they are content. 

2- They Want Something (Hint: It’s Probably Food!)

If it’s mealtime and they’re lingering close to their bowl, your purring cat is likely letting you know that they’re hungry. Typically, cats combine this purr with a meow to ensure they get your attention. They may also rub up against your legs. 

3- The Mother-Kitten Connection

As with any mother-child connection, the bond between kittens and their mum is a strong one. Young kittens purr loudly around their mother. Researchers believe this could be a way for them to call their mother when it’s feeding time

4- They’re Healing Themselves

A purring cat could also be a sign that they are in pain or injured. You may be wondering why a cat would use their energy purring if they’re not well. The truth is, studies suggest that purring actually helps them heal quicker. These small vibrations can:

  • Heal wounds
  • Repair muscles and tendons
  • Lower swelling
  • Reduce pain

While there is no proof suggesting this, a cat purr could be one of the reasons felines can jump from high places and typically recover quicker from surgery than dogs do.

Don’t Just Assume Your Furry Friend Is Happy

As you can see, you should never assume that your cat is happy just because they’re purring. In some cases, they could be sick or injured and in pain. Always keep an eye on your cat’s behaviour and take them to the vet if you notice a change in their eating, sleeping, and emotional patterns

If you’re looking for the right place to find a pedigree cat for your home, check out our Cat People platform! We provide a secure space for you to find the purrfect pet!

Cat Proofing Your Home

How to Get Rid of Cat Pee Smell Once and for All (No Matter What the Surface!)

Have you adopted a new cat? Do you feel like your house constantly smells like a littler box? Well, it’s possible that your cat has been relieving themself on your carpet, floors, furniture, and anywhere else they want to leave their scent. So, how do you remove the smell? Here’s a guide on how to get rid of cat pee smell once and for all, no matter what the surface.

How to Get Rid of Cat Pee Smell

Do you spend your life washing your furniture, clothes, and floors after your cat pees on them? The truth is, knowing how to get rid of cat pee smell can be challenging and you may need to try a few different techniques depending on the surface you’re cleaning. Here’s a guide on how to remove cat urine smell from carpets, upholstery, ceramic, and wood:

How to Get Rid of Cat Urine Smell on Carpets and Upholstery

Upholstery and carpets are some of the hardest materials to clean after your cat relieves themselves on them. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to deal with cat urine on your soft furnishings and surfaces:

  • Dab as much of the urine as possible. Don’t wipe!
  • Spray an enzyme-based cleaner all over the area where your cat peed (you can also buy a cat urine cleaner from your local vet or online)
  • Pat the area down with a damp, clean cloth
  • Cover the area with a damp towel and leave it there for the rest of the day, or overnight

If you have removable cushion covers on your sofa, we suggest you remove these as quickly as possible. You can take these to the dry cleaner or add some of your enzyme-based cleaner to your washing machine before putting them on for a spin. 

With regards to the cushions, chuck them in the wash if they fit. If they don’t, proceed with the steps listed above. 

How to Remove Cat Pee Smell From Ceramic or Wood

Cat pee smell is much easier and quicker to remove from ceramic tiles and wood floors. The key is to act quickly with the right products. With sealed wooden floors and messes on ceramic that haven’t reached the grout, simply grab some paper towel and wipe up the mess before using your usual floor cleaner to sanitize the area. 

If the cat urine is on untreated wood or the grout between your tiles, make a thick paste with water and baking soda. Then, smother the area with the paste and wipe it up once the paste has dried. You can follow up this process with some simmered vinegar for extra precaution before using your usual floor cleaner to wipe down the area. 

Looking for the purrfect pedigree partner to add to your household? If so, check out Cat People, a safe place where you can browse for the newest addition to your family!

Cat General Health

How to Remove a Tick From a Cat: Everything You Need to Know

Do you have a garden where your cat can roam free and enjoy nature’s finest delicacies? If so, you’re probably already well aware of the vermin they can bring into your home, and ticks are no exception. These critters can make your cat very sick if not removed. In this article, we’re going to tell you how to remove a tick from a cat. Let’s take a closer look:

Identifying a Tick on Your Cat

Before you can remove a tick on your cat, you need to know what they look like. Similar to spiders, these insects have eight legs. They’re small and egg-shaped and range from 1mm to 1cm in diameter. As they suck your furry friend’s blood, they get bigger, making them easier to notice

How to Remove a Tick From a Cat

Just pull it out! – is probably what you’re thinking at this point. Well, it’s not that simple. You need to get the whole tick to ensure that its mouth doesn’t stay attached to your cat, thus leading to a potential infection. Here’s what you need:

Must-Have Tools

Before you start the process of removing a tick from a cat, you’ll need the following:

  • A friend or family member to keep your kitty calm
  • Gloves to keep yourself safe from the diseases that ticks carry with them
  • A pair of tweezers or a tick removing tool from your vet’s
  • Alcohol wipes
  • A piece of paper towel to put the tick on once you’ve removed it
  • Sanitizer to clean your tweezers when the process is over

A step-By-Step Guide

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to remove a tick from a cat:

  • Put your gloves on and get your equipment ready
  • Get your kitty nice and relaxed
  • Get a good view of the tick by parting the fur around it
  • Place your tweezers around the tick (as close to your cat’s skin as possible)
  • Use your tweezers to dislodge the tick from the skin
  • When you have removed the tick, place it on your paper towel
  • Check your cat’s skin to make sure the mouth isn’t still stuck
  • Use the alcohol wipe to clean your cat’s skin
  • Throw your gloves in the bin and clean your hands
  • Discard of the tick outside or kill it if you’d like
  • Clean your tweezers thoroughly 

How to Remove a tick From a Cat Without Tweezers

Removing a tick without tweezers or the right tool is almost impossible and not recommended. Some use a lit match to extract the tick but we don’t need to point out the obvious risks of mixing fire with fur. 

You’re also at higher risk of the tick exploding, putting you in danger of getting Lymes disease. Cat Lymes disease is also extremely dangerous and could make your cat very sick! With this in mind, if you don’t have the right tools, can’t get the tick out, or the mouth of the tick is still in your cat, take your little buddy to the vet’s to avoid an infection. 

Want to adopt a new kitty? If so, check out our Cat People platform, a safe place when you can browse for pedigree cats that need a new home. 

Cat Nutrition

Can Cats Eat Eggs? The Dos and Don’ts of Cooked and Raw Eggs for Cats

So you’ve probably had days where you’ve shared food off your plate with your cat. Or maybe you cook some of your purring partner’s meals to give them a wholesome diet that keeps them fighting fit. But, a common question among pet owners is: can cats eat eggs? 

Well, unlike other posts we’ve done about cats and human food, eggs are a great dietary addition for cats, as long as it’s in moderation. Let’s take a closer look at some of the details:

Can Cats Eat Eggs?

So, can cats eat eggs? The short answer is yes, they can. In fact, eggs can be a very healthy addition to your kitty’s diet. Eggs are a form of superfood for cats. They’re packed with easy to digest protein. They also contain all essential amino acids which will help your cat maintain healthy and lean muscles. 

The Dangers of Salmonella and Other Bacteria

When it comes to eggs for cats, salmonella is no yolk! As in humans, eggs can carry harmful bacteria that can make your little buddy really sick. One of these is salmonella, a bacterial disease that can cause serious illness and, if left untreated, can lead to death. 

But, salmonella isn’t the only bug to look out for. E. Coli is another dangerous bacteria that can affect your cat if you don’t prepare the eggs in the correct way. Aside from limiting their intake to one egg a week, you should also make sure the eggs you feed your cat are:

  • Within their sell-by date
  • Smelling fresh
  • Cooked through

Raw Eggs and Avidin

Another question is: can cats eat raw eggs? Well, unlike their cooked counterparts, you should NEVER (and we mean NEVER) feed your cat raw eggs. Raw eggs contain avidin, a protein that stops both humans and cats from absorbing biotin, an extremely important vitamin for skin and hair health. By cooking the eggs, you’re denaturing the avidin and boosting the biotin content. 

A Balanced Diet Is Key to Your Kitty’s Health

So, can cats eat eggs? Yes. But, the key to your cat’s diet is balance and variety. Cat food bought from the supermarket or vet’s is designed to contain all of the vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs, and fat that your cat needs to stay healthy. 

While it’s absolutely fine to give them the odd treat, there is really no reason to create a personalized diet plan of human food for your cat. In fact, if you don’t know your stuff, this can actually be detrimental to their health in the long run. Our advice is to stick to their regular food most of the time and occasionally treat them to human food that you know won’t negatively affect their health. 

Looking to adopt a purring pedigree to add to your family unit? If so, check out Cat People, our secure platform where you can choose from a variety of adorable cats that all need a new home. 

Cat General Health

How Many Cat Years Are in a Human Year? A Guide to Converting Your Cat’s Age

There is an old legend that says that seven human years is the equivalent of one dog or cat year. The truth is, the conversion from cat years to human years is far more complex! So how many cat years are in a human year? And is it a one-size-fits-all formula? 

In this article, we’re going to look at how many cat years are in a human year while also highlighting some of the features you can look out for when trying to work out your cat’s age. 

How Many Cat Years Are in a Human Year?

So, how many cat years are in a human year? Well, the seven to one idea isn’t quite right. In fact, a one-year-old cat is far more mature than a seven-year-old child. And, cats don’t live as long as humans so this seven to one formula is simply incorrect. 

There is, in fact, no fully reliable formula that can easily convert cat age in human years. Generally speaking, it’s thought that the first two years of a cat’s life is equal to the first 25 years of a human’s.

Once they reach the ripe old age of two, it’s thought that cat age to human age is approximately four to one. Of course, your cat’s physical appearance and behaviour will be about far more than it’s age. That’s right, your cat’s maturity and health will depend largely on their upbringing, environment, and how stressful their life has been

How to Tell How Old your Cat Is

The best way to know your cat’s age is to take them to the vet, but you can also give them a quick check-up yourself to get an idea. Here are some tips: 

Look at Their Teeth

You can learn a lot about your cat’s age based on their teeth. Here are some milestones to look out for:

  • At 2 to 4 months, your kitten’s first teeth will appear
  • At 4 months, your cat’s adult teeth will come through
  • Between the ages of 2 and 4 years, your cat’s teeth will show a little tartar
  • From the age of 3 to 5 years, most of your cat’s teeth will have a slight yellow stain
  • From the age of 10 to 15 years, your cat may lose some teeth

Feel Your Cat’s Fur

As your cat ages, their fur will change. Typically, kittens and younger cats have softer fur. As they age, their fur will become coarser and thicker. You may also notice some gray patches, just like in humans!

Check Your Cat’s Iris

Last but not least, your cat’s eyes could tell you a lot about their age. Young cats typically have a smooth iris while a senior ones could be slightly cloudy or crackled. Older cats also often have discharge coming from their eyes. 

Wanting to add a pedigree pet to your household? If so, check our Cat People platform, a safe space for you to browse for your next buddy!

Cat General Health

Why Do Cats Meow? A Guide to Common Cat Noises

Why do cats meow? Good question and unfortunately, there is no straight answer. The truth is a cat can meow or make a variety of noises for different reasons and these reasons change as they transition from being a kitten to an adult cat. Cat noises can occur to communicate both positively and negatively. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of the reasons your cat may be trying to get your attention:

Why Do Cats Meow?

So, why do cats meow? Well, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. A crying cat can mean that they’re both happy and sad depending on their environment and needs. Here are some common reasons your cat may be meowing at you:


While cats are independent creatures, they actually get used to the company. And, if you’re not giving them any, it could be that they start meowing at you for attention. If your cat is meowing at you for no apparent reason, it may be time to play with them or give them a good scratch. 


Excessive vocalisation can also be a sign of sickness. If you’ve tried everything and your crying kitten is still asking for attention, consider taking them to the vet. This is especially true if they’re showing other symptoms of illness, for example, lack of hunger or thirst, diarrhoea, and vomiting, to name a few. 


Cat moaning typically happens when it gets close to their mealtime. That said, your cat may also cry every time you go in the kitchen in the hope to get a bite of whatever you’re having, especially if you often feed them human food. 


If your kitty is used to having you around and you suddenly start leaving them for hours at a time, they may find the change in routine a little lonely. If they meow out of loneliness, consider getting them some foraging toys with food inside so they are kept busy while you’re out. 


It’s common for house cats to dislike a change in their routine. This causes stress and can make them more vocal. The arrival of a new baby, a big move, or even a loss in the family could make your cat cry out due to increased stress


Cats are similar to humans in the sense that they can also suffer from mental confusion when they get older. If you have an old cat that won’t stop meowing, it could be that they have a form of cognitive dysfunction and feel disorientated. Your vet may be able to prescribe medication that helps them with some of the stressful symptoms they’re experiencing.

Understanding the Different Meows

Not all meows sound the same. And, different meows can often mean different things. Here are some popular beliefs among cat experts:

  • Short meow – This often means “hello!” in cat language
  • Numerous meows – This is commonly out of excitement, e.g. when you get home
  • Multiple mid-pitch meows – Your cat is most likely hungry
  • Drawn out meows – They’re demanding something from you (or begging for food)
  • Low pitch meows – This could be them filing a complaint about something
  • High pitch meows – they’re either in pain or angry at you

Want to adopt a pedigree partner to add to your happy household? If so, check out our Cat People platform, a secure place for you to browse for the purrfect pet for your home!

Cat General Health

Can Cats See in the Dark? Understanding Night Vision in Cats

Cats are nocturnal animals that love to play, hunt, eat, and undertake a variety of other activities while you’re fast asleep. But, these nighttime antics are the source of a common question among owners: can cats see in the dark? 

In this article, we’re going to dig a little deeper into cat vision and what makes these incredible animals such amazing night owls. 

Can Cats See in the Dark?

So, can cats see in the dark? Despite the fact that we’re often led to believe that cat eyes act like a pair of night-vision goggles, this couldn’t be further from the truth. While their vision is far superior to that of a human’s at night, cats can’t actually see in the dark. They actually need a small amount of light to be able to see properly. 

How Are Cat’s Eyes Different to Ours?

A cat’s eyes are designed in such a way that they allow in more light than a human’s eyes do. The combination of their curved cornea and larger lens means that in low light, their pupils dilate, letting in as much light as possible. 

Cats also have more rods in their photoreceptors. These are responsible for sensing motion as well as for night and peripheral vision. Humans, on the other hand, have more cones, meaning we see better than cats in daylight and we’re able to see more colours than they do

Last but not least, have you ever wondered why your cat’s eyes glow in the dark when you take a photo with a flash? Well, cats have a reflective layer in their eyes called the tapetum. This tapetum is responsible for reflecting light to the retina, allowing the retina to receive 50% more light than humans do when in darker settings. 

The Power of Their Pupils

At night or when they’re playing, cat eyes expand, allowing more light in. This expansion means that cats can adjust their eyes to see varying light levels depending on the setting. While it makes their vision blurrier, it also enables them to see better in low-light situations. 

Using Their Touch Receptors to See in the Dark

Can cats see in the dark? Not quite. But, they can definitely see better than humans. However, it’s not just their eyes that allow them to move so swiftly and effortlessly in dark settings. Cats have touch receptors that humans don’t: their whiskers

Cat whiskers help them detect objects, allowing them to better navigate in the dark. This combined with their exceptional hearing, which allows them to hear higher frequencies than humans, is what gives them their ninja-like abilities. 

Thinking of adopting a pedigree pet for your home? If so, check out our Cat People platform, a safe space where you can find the purrfect partner!

Cat Nutrition

Can Cats Eat Chocolate? (Hint: They Definitely Can’t!)

As pet owners, there are thousands of tasty treats that we want to share with our furry friends. Unfortunately, cats don’t have the same digestive capabilities as humans. But, how can we know what is good and bad for our cats’ bellies? More importantly, can cats indulge in some of our sweet treats? For example, can cats eat chocolate? 

Well, the short answer is no. But, let’s take a closer look at why cats and chocolate simply don’t mix in this article. 

Can Cats Eat Chocolate?

Most people know that chocolate is bad for dogs, but did you know that this also applies to cats? That’s right, our feline friends can’t eat one of the most delicious foods on our supermarket shelves. Chocolate contains theobromine, an ingredient that unlike humans, cats can’t metabolize. The worst thing is that your cat doesn’t have to each much chocolate to get very sick!

How Much Chocolate Is Toxic to Cats?

The truth is, different types of chocolate have different levels of theobromine. A toxic dose of the ingredient in cats is 200mg per kilo. When it comes to milk chocolate, your cat only needs 1.14oz to experience negative side effects. And, that’s not to mention the dairy which may also upset their stomach. 

Dark chocolate and semisweet chocolate are more of a concern as your cat will only need to eat 0.5oz to get sick. The worst type, however, is baking chocolate, where only a 0.2oz dose can be dangerous for cats. 

Chocolate Poisoning Symptoms in Cats

Chocolate toxicity in cats varies in symptoms depending on the type of chocolate, the size of your cat, and it’s overall health. Plus, all cats have different sensitivity levels to both theobromine and the caffeine found in cacao. Some of the symptoms you should look out for include:

  • Restlessness or hyperactivity
  • Tremors
  • Increased reflexes or twitchiness
  • Rapid breathing or heart palpitations
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Excessive thirst
  • Seizures
  • Muscle rigidity

Theobromine toxicity in cats can lead to death in very severe cases. It’s important to note, however, that your cat is extremely unlikely to go for your chocolate as they’ll likely prefer their own food. 

Steps to Take If Your Cat Eats Chocolate

So, is chocolate bad for cats? The short answer is yes! If your cat experiences any of the symptoms above, take them to your local vet as quickly as possible. If caught early on, your vet may be able to induce vomiting to clear some of the chocolate from their body. Also, bring any packaging from the chocolate bar with you so your vet has a clear picture of what they’re dealing with. 

Looking for a pedigree partner to add to your family? If so, check out our Cat People platform, a secure place where you can browse for the purrfect pet for your home!

Cat General Health

How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats? Protecting Your Home and Your Pet

During the summer months, everyone worries about their pet’s health in regards to ticks, but there is a far more prevalent pest lurking in the background: the flea. When the temperatures rise, fleas find a nice place to lay their eggs and once they hatch, they jump onto our purring friends and don’t let go for dear life so, learning how to get rid of fleas on cats is a must if you want to keep your kitty happy. 

In this article, we’re going to tell you how to get rid of fleas on cats and how to protect your home from these pesky pests. 

How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats?

Knowing how to get rid of fleas on cats is essential if you want them to be happy and healthy. A cat who scratches, nibbles on themselves, seems restless, uncomfortable, or chews their skin, may have fleas. Worst yet, these little critters may be making your furry friend miserable. Let’s take a look at how to get rid of fleas on cats:

Confirm your Cat Has Fleas

The first stage of learning how to get rid of fleas on cats is to make sure that’s the root cause of your cat’s discomfort. Start by taking a good look at their fur. Part sections of their hair and look around for bugs. You could also comb them several times a day and look out for fleas and their eggs. 

Give Your Cat a Bath

Once you’ve confirmed that your cat has fleas, it’s time to give them a bath. While you can use a small amount of dish detergent to clean your cat, we recommend you opt for a shampoo that is designed to treat cat fleas

Remove the Fleas and Eggs With a Comb

Once you have washed your cat, you need to comb them several times a day for about a week. Between each brush, dip the comb in hot soapy water (you can use your flea shampoo instead of soap!) to trap any remaining pests. 

Use the Right Flea Products

There are various flea treatments for cats now available but, many of these contain harsh chemicals that could affect their health in the long run. Some natural cat flea treatment alternatives include:

  • Lemon seeped in boiling water, cooled, and sprayed on your cat
  • Oregano oil and olive oil applied in small amounts on your cat’s fur
  • Apple cider vinegar mixed with water and sprayed onto your cat
  • Fresh lavender steeped in warm water and applied to your cat’s fur
  • Chamomille tea cooled and sprayed onto your cat

The best cat flea treatment for your feline friend will depend on the severity of their case and the type of products you’re willing to expose them to. 

De-Flea Your Home

Once you have gotten rid of the flea infestation, you need to de-flea your home to stop them from coming back. To do this, you need to:

  • Clean your house from top to bottom
  • Steam all carpets and furnishings
  • Wash all yours and your cat’s bedding in hot water 

Are you looking for a pedigree pet to share your home with? If so, visit Cat People! Our safe platform is the perfect place for you to browse for your next family member.