Cat General Health

How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats? Protecting Your Home and Your Pet

During the summer months, everyone worries about their pet’s health in regards to ticks, but there is a far more prevalent pest lurking in the background: the flea. When the temperatures rise, fleas find a nice place to lay their eggs and once they hatch, they jump onto our purring friends and don’t let go for dear life so, learning how to get rid of fleas on cats is a must if you want to keep your kitty happy. 

In this article, we’re going to tell you how to get rid of fleas on cats and how to protect your home from these pesky pests. 

How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats?

Knowing how to get rid of fleas on cats is essential if you want them to be happy and healthy. A cat who scratches, nibbles on themselves, seems restless, uncomfortable, or chews their skin, may have fleas. Worst yet, these little critters may be making your furry friend miserable. Let’s take a look at how to get rid of fleas on cats:

Confirm your Cat Has Fleas

The first stage of learning how to get rid of fleas on cats is to make sure that’s the root cause of your cat’s discomfort. Start by taking a good look at their fur. Part sections of their hair and look around for bugs. You could also comb them several times a day and look out for fleas and their eggs. 

Give Your Cat a Bath

Once you’ve confirmed that your cat has fleas, it’s time to give them a bath. While you can use a small amount of dish detergent to clean your cat, we recommend you opt for a shampoo that is designed to treat cat fleas

Remove the Fleas and Eggs With a Comb

Once you have washed your cat, you need to comb them several times a day for about a week. Between each brush, dip the comb in hot soapy water (you can use your flea shampoo instead of soap!) to trap any remaining pests. 

Use the Right Flea Products

There are various flea treatments for cats now available but, many of these contain harsh chemicals that could affect their health in the long run. Some natural cat flea treatment alternatives include:

  • Lemon seeped in boiling water, cooled, and sprayed on your cat
  • Oregano oil and olive oil applied in small amounts on your cat’s fur
  • Apple cider vinegar mixed with water and sprayed onto your cat
  • Fresh lavender steeped in warm water and applied to your cat’s fur
  • Chamomille tea cooled and sprayed onto your cat

The best cat flea treatment for your feline friend will depend on the severity of their case and the type of products you’re willing to expose them to. 

De-Flea Your Home

Once you have gotten rid of the flea infestation, you need to de-flea your home to stop them from coming back. To do this, you need to:

  • Clean your house from top to bottom
  • Steam all carpets and furnishings
  • Wash all yours and your cat’s bedding in hot water 

Are you looking for a pedigree pet to share your home with? If so, visit Cat People! Our safe platform is the perfect place for you to browse for your next family member. 

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